Monday, March 09, 2009

Good Habits of Good Communicators

The Facilitator:
Makes it easy for people to do their jobs.
Uses key log technique to solve problems.
The Enabler:
Teaches people how and why, not just what.
Keeps interference to a minimum.
The Empowerer:
Generates enthusiasm.
Helps people discover better ways.
The Guide:
Sets a good example.
Leads people to peak performance.
The Encourager:
Helps people believe in themselves.
Lifts people when they feel down, but without assuming
responsibility for their problems.
The Complimenter:
Tries to catch people doing something right.
Gives compliments in public; criticizes only in private.
The Peacemaker:
Works constructively to settle disputes.
Serves as an advocate to both management and workers.
The Communicator:
Listens responsively.
Keeps constant dialog going.
The Challenger:
Shows people their potential, without highlighting their failures.
Rewards people for their progress.
The Evaluator:
Makes clear what is expected.
Inspects results.
Let's people know exactly where they stand.


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